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Michaela & Zachary Bowles. HEART FOR THE GSN.

April 18, 2012

Doesn't this just make you want to jump for JOY?

Botswana ~ reported by a pastor 

At National Ladies Conference four received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Minister's Review conference was a success as pastors committed to make positive changes in their local churches to enable positive church growth.

At a local church four received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, four were baptized in Jesus' name, and some were healed of various illnesses.

Republic of Congo ~ reported by Regional Missionary, Gistophe family

Two received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Ghana ~ Nick Sisco & Colleen Carter families

During regular services throughout the country a total of eighty-four received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and 250 were baptized in Jesus' name.

At a Regional Youth Camp eleven were baptized in Jesus' name and five received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

At four Regional Conventions, a total of thirty-five received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and many received their healings.

Guinea ~ reported by Albert Stewart family

The second annual conference had an average attendance of 200. Twenty-three were baptized in Jesus' name and three received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Kenya ~ Jim Crumpacker & Patrick Groves families, submitted by Pastor Shiunwa

Throughout the country a total of 166 were baptized in Jesus' name, 173 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fifty-two were healed. There were also 219 Bible studies taught.

Liberia ~ Albert Stewart family

During regular services thirty-three were baptized in Jesus' name and thirty received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Madagascar ~ Chris Richardson family

In the first two weeks of this month, the reports are that 191 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and 134 were baptized in Jesus' name.

In one local church revival, a mute person was healed while being baptized in Jesus' name.

One lady had been battling infections in her mouth for two months. She came to one of our local church services, and was healed in Jesus' name, repented, was baptized in Jesus' name and filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

At a Regional Conference, 1,303 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Malawi ~ AIMers, Chris Gibbs family

During March, the church fasted each day from supper to supper. Within a few days the miraculous began happening.

In one of the churches, a Muslim family came and spoke with the Pastor, and said the Lord spoke to them to go to the UPC church, that this was where they would find truth.

Another Pastor reports that his church has always run about twenty-five members, but within the first week of fasting and prayer over fifty visitors came and now the church is too small.

Another church baptized forty-two in Jesus' name.

One church had eight receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

The National Superintendent, his wife, and the missionary family went to a district to minister to a Trinitarian church. During three days of preaching and teaching, seventy-nine were baptized in Jesus' name and two received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Of the two that received the Holy Spirit, one was the Pastor of this church.

Fourteen men of God graduated from the certificate level in the GATS program.

Mauritius ~ Randall Richardson family, reported by Superintendent Pastor Jacques Dubois

During the Bible Conference there were three new visitors and two were baptized in Jesus' name. One sister was healed during the conference.

Namibia ~ reported by National Secretary Treasurer, Pastor Lorens Hauseb
At General Conference, two received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and two were baptized in Jesus' name. A wheelchair bound man was healed by the power of God and asked to be baptized in Jesus' name. The conference attendance was 110. 

Nigeria ~ Gerry McLean family 

One pastor baptized five in Jesus' name.

At a Oneness Seminar the brother of one of the church's National Officials received the revelation of the Mighty God in Christ. He was immediately baptized and now he wants to affiliate his church with the UPCI.

Tanzania ~ Richard Smoak family

The national ladies' ministry leader held a women's conference in one region. Fifty-one women attended, seven were baptized in Jesus' name, and twenty received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Togo ~ Randy Adams & Mike Benson families

The Bible school students had a weekend of evangelism in the northern part of the country. Fifteen were baptized in Jesus' name, three received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and numerous people were healed and delivered.

During this weekend of evangelism, the village chief's wife was miraculously healed of a long standing illness. As a result, some began to burn their voodoo idols. Now the village chief is at the point of abandoning his voodoo practice as well. Please pray that he will receive total deliverance.

Uganda ~ Phil Tolstad & Steve Phelps families

In one region, seventy received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and ninety were baptized in Jesus' name.

In this same region, two new pastors have joined our church.

Throughout our continent (AFRICA) this month a total of 1940 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and 856 were baptized in Jesus' name! Let us rejoice and be glad!

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