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Michaela & Zachary Bowles. HEART FOR THE GSN.

March 19, 2011

Short story

          Ancient, bare slippery rocks, is all that she sees. Desperately she grabs the nearest available rock to gain some ground. As her foot touches the rock, she unable to balance her position on the overhang, as she slips into the abyss below. Her body lands with a thud. The scenery defocuses in splotches, she gasps for air, the world then becomes fuzzy, and white. The sky darkens, the hikers have descended from the mount, and the young girl lays there unconscious. Slowly, surely, a light trickle, a mere drizzle starts to fall. Slowly the girl's, fingers jerk to motion, then her eyelids gradually become accustomed the pitch dark. The girl ponders, "Where am I?" Slowly the girl regains her composure, realizing her silly attempt to climb that craggely rock, of yesterday, or the day before that. She pauses, shocked, any number of days could've passed..

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